Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Bad weather halts search for flight MH370

RAAF AP-3C Orion aircraft searches Indian Ocean. 24 March 2014
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa) said high winds and rain meant planes could not fly safely.
Earlier, China demanded to see satellite data that led Malaysia to conclude that flight MH370 had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

Most of the 227 passengers on the Malaysia Airlines flight were Chinese.
In a statement, Amsa said it had undertaken a risk assessment "and determined that the current weather conditions would make any air and sea search activities hazardous and pose a risk to crew".
"Therefore, Amsa has suspended all sea and air search operations for today due to these weather conditions," it said.
Search operations should resume on Wednesday if weather conditions permit, Amsa added.
Australia is co-ordinating the search in the so-called "southern corridor", now believed to be where the plane crashed.
Relatives sceptical Earlier, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Hangsheng asked for "detailed evidence" after Malaysian PM Najib Razak said satellite data showed the aircraft had ended its journey in remote seas west of Australia.
The plane vanished from radar screens more than two weeks ago shortly after leaving Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing.
Despite Mr Najib's statement, some relatives of the Chinese passengers said they were sceptical of the conclusions as the plane has not yet been found.
"We demand the Malaysian side state the detailed evidence that leads them to this judgement as well as supply all the relevant information and evidence about the satellite data analysis," Mr Xie said, according to a statement on the ministry's website.
"The search and rescue work cannot stop now. We demand the Malaysian side continue to finish all the work including search and rescue," he added.
Mr Najib - in a sombre late-night news conference in Kuala Lumpur - said the conclusion had been reached after fresh analysis of satellite data tracking the flight.
Chinese Air Force Ilyushin Il-76 used in search for flight MH370 at Perth International Airport. 25 March 2014 China has military aircraft based at Perth to help with the search
Distraught relative in Beijing. 24 March 2014 In Beijing, relatives of the missing broke down after hearing the Malaysian prime minister
It was based on new analysis by British satellite firm Inmarsat, which provided satellite data, and the UK's Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).
The firms "have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth," Mr Najib said.
"This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."
There were distressing scenes at a Beijing hotel where relatives of the missing watched Mr Najib's announcement on TV.
Some, overcome with grief, were taken away on stretchers by medical teams.
The BBC saw a text message sent to families by Malaysia Airlines saying it had to be assumed "beyond reasonable doubt" that the plane was lost and there were no survivors.
The airline said it had informed most families in advance of the prime minister's statement in person and by telephone, and that text messages "were used only as an additional means of communicating with the families".
Tom Wood, the brother of missing US passenger Philip Wood, told the BBC he would still like to see more proof.
Standing sombre before the world's media, Malaysia's prime minister made a brief statement
"People are using the terms 'we are absolutely certain that the plane crashed' and yet when you go to ask questions they don't have any wreckage," he said.
"How can you 100% certain if you don't have anything recovered?"
A huge international search operation has been taking place in the southern Indian Ocean more than 1,500 miles (2,500km) off the south-west coast of Australia and both Australian and Chinese air force crews have recently reported spotting debris.
The yet unidentified objects have been seen in separate parts of the search area.
Inmarsat had already said it received automated "pings" from the plane over its satellite network after the aircraft ceased radio and radar contact.
On Monday, Mr Najib said Inmarsat had been able to shed further light on the plane's flight path by performing further calculations "using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort".
According to Inmarsat, this involved a totally new way of modelling, which was why it took time.
Inmarsat told the BBC the new calculation involved crunching more data and that engineers spent all weekend looking back at previous Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flights.
They compared the satellite data from those flights with flight MH370 and were able to work out that it went south.
BBC Transport correspondent Richard Westcott says that as far as the engineers could tell, the plane was flying at a cruising height above 30,000ft but its final position could not be pinpointed more clearly.
The reasons why the flight deviated so far off course remain a mystery.
Map of search zone for flight MH370

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