Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Justin Bieber identified by his tattoo as he tries to 'sneak out of brothel covered by bedsheets' while on tour in Brazil

Going strong: Bieber was spotted on Sunday hitting up a party in Rio

He caused 'Biebermania' when making an appearance from his hotel room in Brazil on Friday.

But now, Justin Bieber is garnering attention for a different reason.

PageSix reported yesterday that on Friday, Justin was seen sneaking out of a brothel covered in white bedsheets by his minders. 
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Caught on camera! Justin Bieber's distinctive tattoo is visible on his left wrist as he leaves a Brazilian brothel covered in bedsheets
Caught on camera! Justin Bieber's distinctive tattoo is visible on his left wrist as he leaves a Brazilian brothel covered in bedsheets

The report claims that Justin was seen leaving the popular brother Centauros in Rio de Janeiro and promptly jumped in the back seat of a vehicle while two females from the brothel were taken back to his hotel separately.

Now, pictures reveal that Justin can be identified by the distinctive tattoo on his left wrist.
An insider has claimed to MailOnline that Justin believed it was a private members' club. We're told: 'Justin had been forced out of his hotel by the huge amount of fans that had gathered outside making it impossible for him to go in and out as he pleased so he planned to go to a private members club.'
We can see you! Justin Bieber leaves the popular brothel Centauros in Rio de Janeiro covered by a cream bedsheet and surrounded by minders
We can see you! Justin Bieber leaves the popular brothel Centauros in Rio de Janeiro covered by a cream bedsheet and surrounded by minders

Scene: Justin Bieber was allegedly seen exited the brother Centauros in Rio de Janeiro, pictured above
Scene: Justin Bieber was allegedly seen exited the brother Centauros in Rio de Janeiro, pictured above

Justin's representative declined to comment when contacted by Mail Online.
To make matters worse for the star, Justin reportedly incensed his teenage fans in Brazil after ending a show early on Sunday - because someone threw a water bottle onto the stage.
The singer stormed off the stage in Sao Paulo without saying goodbye - or singing his most famous hit Baby - following the incident.
Here comes Bieber: Justin is seen attempting to conceal his identity before he reveals his distinctive tattoo on his left arm
Here comes Bieber: Justin is seen attempting to conceal his identity before he reveals his distinctive tattoo on his left arm

Now you see him: Justin Bieber exits a Brazilian brothel where fans had already gathered to catch a glimpse of the star
Now you see him: Justin Bieber exits a Brazilian brothel where fans had already gathered to catch a glimpse of the star

Earlier the Canadian star had caused consternation after kicking a Brazilian flag which had been thrown onto a walkway through the crowd.
And Bieber, who was kicking off the Brazil leg of his Believe tour, had already irritated fans after arriving one hour 20 minutes late to the Anhembi Arena.
He was also more than three hours late for a meet and greet with fans who had paid up to £1000 to spend a few seconds with their idol.
Seedy sight: Centaurus is said to be a popular brothel in Brazil, and Justin was seen leaving the establishment on Friday
Seedy sight: Centaurus is said to be a popular brothel in Brazil, and Justin was seen leaving the establishment on Friday

Nothing to see here! Justin Bieber and his minders do their best to make a hasty exit from the brothel in Brazil
Nothing to see here! Justin Bieber and his minders do their best to make a hasty exit from the brothel in Brazil

Making a run for it: Justin continues to dive towards his vehicle as he leaves the establishment in Brazil
Making a run for it: Justin continues to dive towards his vehicle as he leaves the establishment in Brazil

Red light: The vehicle that Justin gets into is seen outside the venue
Red light: The vehicle that Justin gets into is seen outside the venue

Towards the end of his set the singer's microphone was knocked out of his hand by a plastic water bottle which had been thrown from the crowd.
Clearly angered, Bieber, who was in the middle of his most recent hit Boyfriend, immediately turned around and stormed off stage.
Felipe Gladiador, who was reviewing the show for Brazil's G7 website, said: 'The scene was so shocking that even his dancers couldn't believe what they had seen.
What's going on here then? PageSix reports that two female workers from the brothel were then driven in a separate car to Justin's hotel room
What's going on here then? PageSix reports that two females were then driven in a separate car to Justin's hotel room

Disappearing act: Justin is seen under a bedsheet as he gets into an awaiting SUV
Disappearing act: Justin is seen under a bedsheet as he gets into an awaiting SUV

Swift exit: Two ladies from the establishment were seen hiding as they left in a vehicle behind Justin
Swift exit: Two ladies from the establishment were seen hiding as they left in a vehicle behind Justin

'The fans didn't know what was going on and stayed in their seats half an hour, hoping that he would come back to finish the show.
'The public called for him, sang Baby, and yet nothing. The lights came on, Bieber's team started to take the equipment away and the fans realised it wasn't going to happen.
'In the end there was no farewell, no thanks and no rendition of his most famous song.'
Look at me! Justin Bieber will no doubt be feeling camera shy following his reported trip to a Brazilian brothel Look at me! Justin Bieber will no doubt be feeling camera shy following his reported trip to a Brazilian brothel
Party boy: Justin was invited to the Hollywood TV launch party at Club Disco on Saturday night
Party boy: Justin was invited to the Hollywood TV launch party at Club Disco on Saturday night
Mr Gladiador added: 'One again the music was left to one side and the ego took over, his blood boiled and the rebellious teenager wiped out the talented singer. A night of fun was overshadowed by a few seconds of anger and immaturity.'
Last night Justin had become the butt of jokes about the incident, with a Twitter account created for the offending water bottle already having two million followers.
One post read: 'Stop judging me, I just wanted to touch Justin like the rest of you.'
Post-concert fun: The singer let loose after performing Sao Paulo
Post-concert fun: The singer let loose after performing Sao Paulo
Clubbing: Justin was spotted at Zax Club in the early morning hours on Saturday
Clubbing: Justin was spotted at Zax Club in the early morning hours on Saturday
Another said: 'I'm getting threats of recycling! Stop it. My intention wasn't to hurt him, just to get to know him.'
His obsessive fans - who will no doubt be shocked at the revelation - had started queuing for tickets 50 days before the dates to make sure they got the best front row spots.
About 150 Beliebers in Rio put up 17 tents to camp out until his concert at the Sambadrome.
Going strong: Bieber was spotted on Sunday hitting up a party in Rio

Making his way: The young star had some difficulty getting through a crowd of fans
Making his way: The young star had some difficulty getting through a crowd of fans

Caught! Justin Bieber has reportedly been seen visiting a brothel in Brazil whilst on tour
Caught! Justin Bieber has reportedly been seen visiting a brothel in Brazil whilst on tour

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