Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sri Lanka's top tea experiences: Sips of history

Sri Lanka's tea industry started with one camellia sinesis plant brought from China in 1824 by the British. It has since grown into a $1.5 billion export industry -- the world's second biggest by value. The country's tea plantations offer incredible scenery. Pictured are tea fields 1,300 meters above sea level among the fertile south central Bogawantalawa Valley.
The leaves that go into a cup of Ceylon tea play a surprisingly complex role in the history of Sri Lanka.
It started with a single camellia sinesis plant brought from China in 1824 by the British, who had colonized the island then known as Ceylon in 1801.

Travelers can now experience the lush plantations for themselves, with numerous experiences on offer such as that at Ceylon Tea Trails -- four sprawling planters' bungalows built between 1890 and 1939 now operating as a five-star resort.
The plant was to be displayed in the Royal Botanical Gardens outside Kandy in the country's lush interior -- but it has since grown into a $1.5 billion export business for the teardrop shaped island nation off India's southern tip.The tea trails and plantations are some of the most scenic, and now five-star experiences, available to visitors looking for a taste of Sri Lankan tea history.
Alongside the agricultural production of tea, which accounts for 2.5% of the country's $60 billion GDP, tea tourism is also emerging as a popular experience for travelers.
In 1867 Scottish coffee planter James Taylor, the man who would be recognized as the pioneer of Sri Lanka's tea industry, planted 19 acres of tea near Kandy at an altitude of around 500 meters.
In the 1860s, however, Sri Lanka was the world's largest coffee producer and few paid attention to Taylor.Five of the nine suites at Kahanda Kanda, a photogenic inn perched along the hills outside Galle on Sri Lanka's southern coast, face the surrounding tea plantation.
Two years later came the first seeds of change when Hemileia vastatrix, or coffee rust, was detected on the island.
Within 10 years, this lethal fungus led to financial ruin for the island's British coffee planters. Roughly 1,700 left for England while the remaining 400 or so switched to growing tea.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famously commented that "the tea fields of Ceylon are as true a monument to courage as is the lion at Waterloo."
Tea industry starts
The East India Company brought Tamil women from Southern India to work as tea pluckers, ushering in the next chapter of human suffering on these lush green acres.
By 1890, the year Thomas Lipton arrived to purchase tea estates, 23,000 tons of tea were exported to London's tea auctions. Ceylon had become an island synonymous with tea.
Ceylon won independence from British rule in 1948 but the tea industry remained a colonial domain.
When government pressure led to the selection of six Ceylonese men as the first indigenous tea tasters in 1950, one of them, Merrill J. Fernando, remembers being told by British colleagues, "You all eat too much curry, it ruins the taste buds!"
From a single plant, to this.
From a single plant, to this.
Even as the island nation became the world's largest tea exporter in 1965, the industry itself was still dominated by the British, who exported the tea as raw material and branded it overseas.
Fernando began dreaming of packaging and marketing 100% pure Ceylon tea, dispensing with middlemen and keeping more profits for his country, which officially became known as Sri Lanka in 1972.
Two destructive rounds of land reform in the 1970s delayed those dreams and nearly wiped out Sri Lanka's tea industry, but in 1988 Fernando founded Dilmah Tea. Today, Dilmah is Sri Lanka's most recognized international brand.
World famous
According to the World Tea Council, in 2012 Sri Lanka exported 340 million kilograms of tea, the third highest by volume behind Kenya and China, though number two when measured in value terms, thanks to the premium revolution begun by Dilmah's founder.
When asked about the future of Sri Lankan tea given increased competition from younger, more productive fields in Kenya and the global coffee craze, Fernando's son, Dilmah executive Malik Fernando, points to his competition.
"We need Teaeli and others to continue introducing sophisticated products that identify Ceylon tea as the finest grown to the next generations," he says.
For his part, Teaeli founder Dushyantha De Silva saw a market niche five years ago. "Ceylon tea had not changed much since my grandparent's time," explains the 22 year-old Colombo native.
"When our 26-year civil war ended in 2009, we all knew a tourist boom would come. I felt the market had room to welcome creative new tastes, especially for overseas visitors who want to leave with a souvenir of Sri Lanka's tea culture."
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